I've recently been introduced to the work of Charles Eisenstein. In his book, "The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible", he talks about this concept of interbeing, as the new emerging paradigm for humanity. He proposes that we live in a world of separation now, and that the new "story" for the world is one where all beings are interconnected and interdependent. He goes on to explain the wound of separation, and how this has disconnected us from everything around us, including nature. He talks about how the insecurity of not having a sense of place drives self-destructive behavior. But he also talks of love as an expansion of self that encompasses 'the other' in tthe emerging story. I cannot do this book justice in a small blog post, but I do highly encourage everyone to read his book. He was also interviewed for a film called Living the Change. The entire interview is on YouTube. It is worth the watch.
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